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ID Day 2024: A Special Commemorative Message

By: Dr. Joseph Atick, Executive Chairman, ID4Africa 

My brothers and sisters in the identity community…On this day, 16 Sept, identity day, I am delighted to bring you a message of hope and determination. I would like to start by reminding everyone that identity is more than a legal document, more than a name on a card or a number in a database. It is our connection to the world, our ability to participate in society, to access services, to be seen, and to be heard. Identity is a human right, yes—but more than that, it is a basic human necessity. 


Yet despite its undeniable importance, the world has not yet officially dedicated a day to honor and acknowledge this crucial aspect of our lives. That’s why we are here today—because we believe it’s time for that to change. 


We have made the call to recognize 16 Sept as ID Day in 2018, and since then the ID4Africa Bureaus in the 48 ID4Africa member state have championed this cause and have created ever more significant commemoration events in their countries. This year, nearly 30 countries on the continent are marking and celebrating the day in very meaningful and creative ways.  


While this is impressive, and laudable it is not enough. We need to go the extra mile.  This is why ID4Africa alongside over 270 dedicated Coalition partners from around the world, is renewing the call for the official recognition of 16 September AS Identity Day (ID Day). More than ever, this day is needed to reflect on the role that identity plays in empowering individuals and driving sustainable development -- a day to raise awareness about the millions of people who are still without legal identity, and to renew our collective commitment to leave no one behind. 


But we can’t do this alone. We need you. We need your voice, your support, your advocacy. 

Each of us has a role to play in making ID Day a reality, because identity affects every one of us. By recognizing this day, we not only emphasize the importance of identity systems that are inclusive, secure, and empowering—we also remind the world that #IdentityMatters for every person, in every corner of the globe, and that it needs to be protected and secured.  


The strength of our movement lies in our unity. I would like to take this moment to acknowledge the tireless efforts of our Bureaus and Coalition partners who continue to stand shoulder to shoulder for this cause. Their dedication and passion have been the driving force behind this initiative. Together, we have created a global movement for change, and together we will continue to advocate for a future where everyone has the identity they deserve, and where 16 Sept is universally accepted as ID Day.  


Today, I am calling on each of you to join us in amplifying this message. Help us push for the official recognition of 16 September as Identity Day—a day that will serve as a symbol of hope, dignity, and inclusion. 

Here’s how you can make a difference: 

  • Spread the word: Use your voice on social media, in your communities, and in your networks to raise awareness about Identity Day. Use the hashtag #IdentityMatters to join the conversation. 

  • Support the Coalition: If your organization has not yet joined the over 270 partners who are part of this cause, now is the time to stand with us. 

  • Engage with your leaders: Urge your governments, institutions, and policymakers to officially recognize 16 September as Identity Day. 


By working together, we can ensure that identity is not only recognized but celebrated as the gateway to opportunity, dignity, and empowerment. 


Ladies and gentlemen, the time for action is now. Let us stand united. Let us be the generation that enshrines Identity Day in the global calendar, forever recognizing the power of identity to change lives. 

Thank you. Let’s make 16 September a day the world will never forget.  

Happy ID Day.  

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