SDG 16.9 made ‘Legal Identity For All’ an important development goal which was embraced by all 193-member states at the United Nations. This campaign is the logical extension of that work.

The Call for identity to have a day of observance was initiated by ID4Africa at the 4th Annual Meeting of the ID4Africa Movement on 24 April 2018, in Abuja, Nigeria. The launch was enthusiastically received by the global identity and development community, whereby over 1500 individual signatures endorsing the proposition were collected. This represented 99% of the delegates in attendance who saw in this initiative a rallying cry to keep in mind the importance of SDG 16.9 and to keep countries focused on its achievement.
In early August of 2018, the campaign moved from individual to institutional engagement in preparation for policy advocacy by these institutions that will sensitize UN member delegations and their governments about the importance of legal identity and will urge them to vote favorably on the proposed resolution when it reaches the UN General Assembly floor at a yet to be specified date.
In 2019 the campaign shifted gears from pursuing a vote at the UN General Assembly to actively promoting awareness and understanding, country-by-country, about how identity can empower people and how it should be integrated within the constructs of a modern society respectful of human rights. We believe the journey towards ID Day adoption is arguably more important than the destination.  
ID Day recognition shows a deeply rooted commitment of leadership to reform their identity ecosystems and empower people to enjoy and exercise their rights through identity. Nigeria, Namibia, Niger, Liberia and Madagascar have officially declared 16 September as their National Day of Identity. Several other African countries are currently in the process of formally adopting the Day.
Nearly 250 international organizations in 4 categories – Development, Government, NGO & Civil Society, Commercial – support the call as Coalition Partners.
Becoming a Coalition Partner is not a legal commitment. It is an effective way for an organization to publicly declare its support and commitment to the Initiative calling for the recognition of 16 September as Identity Day.
Just about any organization and individual, can support the ID Day campaign by encouraging official recognition and/or organizing commemorations aimed at raising awareness and celebrating the importance of identity.
While the journey towards advancing the Call of Identity Day may be different depending on the local context, support would typically involve the active engagement of various actors whose roles are described below:
Declare your support to national ID Day efforts
Create opportunities to sensitize the population about identity
Harmonise and collaborate with other agencies
A detailed document designed to guide government agencies and line ministries in charge of identity in their campaign to seek official national recognition of the day in their country is available from ID4Africa. Please consult that document for more details. For a copy of this document please send an e-mail to:
Encourage government authorities to officially recognize 16 September as ID Day
Represent a source of evidence for the positive impact of identity in society
Provide financial support to commemorate the Day
Join the ID Day Coalition
Promote the legal rights of persons to proof of identification and privacy
Sensitize & educate constituents
Support national ID Day efforts
Campaign alongside governments to promote the message that identity matters
Ensure that the interest of vulnerable populations is part of the national narrative
Organize activities to celebrate the Day
Join the ID Day Coalition*
*NGOs and Civil Society can join as Coalition Partners while Private sector companies such as solutions providers can join as Friends of the Coalition to support the Call.
Individuals play an important role in influencing constituency representatives to support the Call for the recognition of Identity Day. You can support by:
Actively join others and support ID Day celebrations whether physically or through social media.
Becoming a “Friend of the Coalition”